
Lainie Wrightson
International Feng Shui Practitioner
Photographer - Retreat Leader

Lainie's photography graces homes and businesses both in the United States and Europe and has been featured at these venues:
Exhibition in May 2017
Ampersand Slow Design
22 rue du Docteur Courduan
Lorgus VAR, France
Exhibition December 2016 - January 2017
Between Provençal traditions and modernity, "the Crib of the Santons de Provence by Maxime Codou" represents scenes of life.
15 July to 31 August 2016 Exposition - Le Village Provencal par Maxime Codou - Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Grimaud, France
Exhibition December 2015 - January 2016
In connection with L'exposition: "La Crèche par Maxime Codou"
Chapelle Saint Jean, Place de l'Hotel de Ville, La Garde-Freinet, France
Exhibition in 2016 in an unique little Moonvine shop Easton, Md. USA
PURE design scandinave.se
34 Rue Saint Jacques
F-836 80 La Garde Freinet, France
Exhibitions 2012-2013
Out of the Fire, 22 Goldsborough Street, Easton, Md. 21601 USA
410 770 4777 www.outofthefire.com
Article on Eastern Shore Savy
Exhibitions 2011
Expo at
Chemin du Val de Perier 83310 Cogolin, France
Divine Feminine Show January 2011 Main Street Gallery Cambridge, Maryland 21613 USA
Exhibition 2010
"Le Salon International des Artistes Contemporains" at the Salle Jean Despas,
83990 Saint Tropez, France
Exhibition 2009 Restaurant My Way 83680 La Garde Freinet, France
For more information about retreats, her images or to schedule a Feng Shui consultation contact:
To buy or see more photos visit:
FineArtAmerica/~lainiewrightson artistwebsite
http://artflakes.com/~Lainie Wrightson